商业澳洲 文章 [230512] 2021年托福阅读真题第9篇|The Role of Dingoes in Australian Ecology|15:20~17:20|20:00~21:50

[230512] 2021年托福阅读真题第9篇|The Role of Dingoes in Australian Ecology|15:20~17:20|20:00~21:50


Paragraph 1: Dingoes first reached Australia about 4,000 years ago, arriving with Southeast Asian sea travelers.【2A】 These animals were a barely domesticated variety of the Indian wolf. Unlike domestic dogs in western Asia, 【2B】which by then had been intensively bred for a variety of unwolflike characteristics, dingoes looked, and often acted, like their wild ancestors. Aboriginal people adapted to the new arrivals, keeping them as pets and helpers in kangaroo hunts.【2C】 Meanwhile, other dingoes quickly went feral(wild) and began to compete with Aboriginal hunters for kangaroos and other prey.【2D】

dingoes n.澳洲野狗;懦夫;恶棍;装甲侦察军车(dingo 的复数)

v.退却;叛变(dingo 的三单形式)

dingo n.澳洲野狗

domesticated / dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd / adj.家养的;驯服的;喜欢家庭生活的

v.驯养(domesticate 的过去分词);使习惯于家庭生活

bred / bred /breed 的过去式和过去分词

breed v.交配繁殖;饲养,培育;养育,培养;引起,酿成;

(通过核反应)增殖可裂变物质 n.品种;(人的)类型,种类

wolflike 🐺狼一般的

Aboriginal / ˌæbəˈrɪdʒən(ə)l / adj.澳大利亚土著的;澳大利亚土著人的;

澳大利亚土著语的 n.澳大利亚土著居民;澳大利亚土著语

kangaroo / ˌkæŋɡəˈruː / n.袋鼠

feral / ˈferəl / adj.野生的;凶猛的;阴郁的

Aboriginal hunters 土著猎人

prey n.猎物,捕获物;受害者,受骗者;<古>掠夺品


P1 段落大意:澳洲野狗在4000年前抵达澳洲,跟随者东南亚旅游者,是印度狼的家养品种,不像西亚的本地狗,培养出一些不像狼的特征。澳洲土著人把dingo当作宠物,捕获袋鼠的帮手。

1. The word “intensively" In the passage is closest in meaning to

A. vigorously ​​​​​​​B. occasionally C. carefully D. gradually

2. According to paragraph 1, which of the following was NOT true of the first Australian dingoes?

A. They were initially brought to Australia by humans thousands of years ago.

B. They resembled the unwolflike domestic dogs of western Asia.

C. Some of them were domesticated by the Aboriginal people.

D. Some of them became wild animals and began hunting animals themselves.


vigorously / ˈvɪɡərəsli / adv.精神旺盛地,有力地,活泼地;坚决地

intensively / ɪnˈtensɪvli / adv.强烈地;集中地

A ✅


B ✅

Paragraph 2: When the dingo arrived, long after the mass extinction of Australia's megafauna (large animals), the continent held one last large marsupial predator, the thylacine. A wolfish-looking beast with striped hindquarters, the thylacine was also known as the marsupial tiger. It vanished from the mainland soon after the dingo was introduced, but survived into the twentieth century on the island of Tasmania. Historical records describe thylacine behavior and document the intense hunting that destroyed the last populations. Students of ecological history have long assumed that the dingo drove thylacine to extinction in mainland Australia. The key part of this argument is a bit of circumstantial evidence: the thylacine disappeared at about the time the dingo arrived but survived in Tasmania's dingo-free landscape. For ecologist Chris Johnson, who has made a specialty of studying Australia's mammal extinctions, this picture is too simple.

megafauna / ˈmeɡəˌfɔːnə / [动] 巨型动物 large animals

marsupial / mɑːrˈsuːpiəl / adj.[脊椎] 有袋的;袋状的 n.有袋类动物

marsupial tiger “有袋类动物老虎”

thylacine / ˈθaɪləsɪn; ˈθaɪləˌsaɪn / n.袋狼

wolfish adj.残忍的;贪婪的;狼似的

wolfish-looking adj.看起来残忍的;贪婪的;狼似的

striped / straɪpt / adj.有条纹的;有斑纹的 v.被剥去(strip 的过去分词)

hindquarters / ˈhaɪndkwɔːrtərz /

n.(动物的)尾部;两条后腿;半边胴体的后半部(hindquarter 的复数)

vanished n.销声匿迹,无影无踪(美国电视连续剧剧名)

Tasmania / tæzˈmenjə / n.塔斯马尼亚岛(位于澳洲东南方)

circumstantial / ˌsɜːrkəmˈstænʃ(ə)l / adj.依照情况的;详细的,详尽的;偶然的

specialty / ˈspeʃəlti /

n.专业,专长;特色食品,特产;特产, 专卖店;(律)盖印的书面合同

P2 段落大意:澳洲很多large animals在dingo出现了灭绝,最后一种袋状的捕食者是袋狼,dingo出现后,也销声匿迹了,但是20世纪在塔斯马尼亚岛幸存了下来。很多人都认为是dingo促成了thylacine的灭亡,生态学者认为他们的推论过于简单。

Paragraph 3: Twentieth-century accounts of thylacines portray them as solitary creatures that hunted alone. Yet these are records of the last of their kind, members of an intensely persecuted population. Older reports, from early in the days of Tasmania's settlement, describe thylacines hunting in groups, "with the tenaciousness of a pack of wolves on the steppes of frozen Russia ." They were fast, nimble, and big-more massive than a dingo and strong enough that, in at least one case, seven domestic hunting dogs could not kill a lone individual. A recent analysis of the bite force thylacines exerted, based on studies of their skull and jaw bones, suggests that thylacines took prey bigger than themselves. All these conflicts with the idea that the dingo pushed the thylacine into oblivion.


Twentieth-century accounts of thylacines portray them as solitary creatures that hunted alone.


A recent analysis of the bite force thylacines exerted 最近对袋狼咬合力的分析


persecuted v.(尤指宗教或政治信仰的)迫害(~sb. for sth.)( persecute 的过去式和过去分词);烦扰,困扰或骚扰某人

persecute / ˈpɜːrsɪkjuːt / v.(尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而)迫害,残害;骚扰,纠缠

persecuted population 被迫害的人口❓不确定这种理解是否正确

tenacious / təˈneɪʃəs / adj.顽强的,坚韧不拔的;稳固的,牢固的;(观点、信念)根深蒂固的,深入人心的;顽强的,坚忍不拔的

tenaciousness n.固执;顽强

a pack of 一包;(野兽等的)一群;一盒

steppes / steps / [地理] 草原 [地理] 干草原

steppe / step / n.大草原,[地理] 干草原(特指西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原)

nimble / ˈnɪmb(ə)l / adj.(行动)灵活的;(头脑)聪敏的

bite force 咬合力

exerted adj.外露的


exert v.运用,施加(影响);努力,尽力(exert oneself)

skull n.颅骨,头骨;<非正式>脑袋,头脑 v.<非正式>击中(某人的)头

jaw / dʒɔː / n.颌,颚;下巴;(机器的)钳口;危险的局面;口部;<非正式> 闲聊;<非正式>饶舌,喋喋不休;<非正式>闲聊 v.<非正式>喋喋不休

oblivion / əˈblɪviən / n.遗忘;湮没;赦免

conflict n.争执,争论,分歧;战斗,战争;抵触,矛盾 v.冲突,抵触

P3 段落大意:袋狼是孤独的生物,也是被迫害数量的生物。袋狼十分灵活,足够强壮,比dingo大的多,七个家养猎狗无法杀死一只袋狼。对其咬合力进行分析,对其颅骨和颌研究,袋狼可以捕猎比自身大的猎物。所有的争论伴随dingo使thylacine灭亡的想法(个人理解的不太准确)。All this conflicts with the idea that the dingo pushed the thylacine into oblivion所有这些都与野狗将袋狼推入遗忘的观点相矛盾

3. The word "persecuted" in the passage Is closest in meaning to

A. clever B. specialized C. hunted D. efficient

4. In paragraph 3, Why does the author discuss the fast speed, large size, and forceful bite of thylacines?

A. To explain why thylacines were not well suited for domestication.

B. To explain why older reports from the early days of settlement in Tasmania are not reliable.

C. To present evidence against the theory that thylacines were solitary creatures that hunted alone.

D. To present evidence against the idea that dingoes were responsible for the extinction of thylacines.


hunted adj.被捕猎的;受迫害的;惴惴不安的;疲惫的

v.狩猎;追捕(hunt 的过去式和过去分词)


错选 A ✅

正解 C ❎


dingoes were not responsible for the extinction of thylacines

Paragraph 4: The researcher Chris Johnson suggests that intensified human hunting severely reduced thylacine populations in northern Australia before the dingo ever became established, pointing out that while both dingoes and thylacines were often depicted in rock art in the north, the Aboriginal people who first painted dingoes worked in a distinct style, more recent than any known image of the thylacine. //The dingo may have played a minor role in the thylacine’s disappearance; perhaps dingoes and humans hunting together became a truly formidable enemy. Regardless of how exactly the thylacine died out, says Johnson, the beast is gone, and the dingo is the only large predator left on the continent. He argues that native wildlife, and perhaps even outback cattle ranchers, are far better off with dingoes than without them. (In the absence of dingoes, kangaroo populations can skyrocket, leading to overgrazing on pastureland.)

intensified adj.加强的 v.增强;加强(intensify 的过去式与过去分词)

established adj.确立已久的,早已投入使用的;资深的,知名的;(植物)已生根的,长势良好的;<英>已被认可的,已被接受的(尤指英国国教)

v.建立,设立;证实,确定;发现,找出(establish 的过去式和过去分词形式)

depicted adj.用(草图、设计或线条等)图像形式呈现的

v.描述,描绘(depict 的过去式和过去分词)

/ dɪˈpɪkt /

rock art 岩石艺术;岩画

formidable adj.可怕的,令人敬畏的;(形状、数量)巨大的;难对付的

enemy n.敌人,反对者;敌国,敌军;大敌,危害物 adj.敌人的,敌方的

outback n.内地 adv.在内地;往内地 adj.内地的

rancher / ˈræntʃər / n.大农场经营者;大农场工人;牧场住宅


better off adj.有较多钱的,较宽裕的;更好的

skyrocket / ˈskaɪrɑːkɪt / n.流星烟火;冲天火箭


overgrazing n.过度放牧 v.过度放牧(overgraze 的现在分词)

pastureland n.牧场;牧草地


the Aboriginal people who first painted dingoes worked in a distinct style, more recent than any known image of the thylacine.


CJ argues that native wildlife, and perhaps even outback cattle ranchers, are far better off with dingoes than without them. (In the absence of dingoes, kangaroo populations can skyrocket, leading to overgrazing or pastureland.)


P4 段落大意:C J表明,在dingo出现之前,强化的人类捕猎是严重减少澳洲北部thylacine /ˈθaɪləˌsaɪn /数量的原因。指出dingo和thylacine同时呈现在岩石画上,dingo比thylacine的图像更晚出现。dingo在thylacine消失方面起到小作用,可以说人类和dingo联合是难对付的敌人。CJ 认为本土野生动物,甚至是内陆牧场主,有野狗比没有野狗要好得多。(如果没有澳洲野狗,袋鼠的数量可能会飙升,导致过度放牧或牧场。)

5. Why does the author provide the information that the Aboriginal people who first painted dingoes worked in a distinct style, more recent than any known image of the thylacine?

A. To compare two distinct Aboriginal painting styles in northern Australia

B. To provide evidence that dingoes became established in Australia only after thylacines had declined in population

C. To describe changes that occurred in Aboriginal rock art at the time dingoes became established in Australia

D. To support the argument that the dingo played a role in the thylacine’s disappearance

6. Paragraph 4 suggests which of the following about Johnson’s views of the consequences of the thylacine's disappearance?

A. The thylacine extinction increased the importance of dingoes in Australian ecology.

B. The thylacine extinction was the last known decrease in large native wildlife predators.[未提及]

C. The thylacine extinction made the combination of dingoes and humans hunting together a difficult enemy.[因果倒置]

D. The thylacine extinction led to an undesirable decline in kangaroo populations.




错选 D ❎ undesirable decline in kangaroo populations. 过度推理,文中仅仅表带了kangaroo会带来过度放牧的不良影响

正解 A ✅

Paragraph 5: In an analysis of threatened and extinct marsupial species across the continent, Johnson found that small mammals survived much longer in areas with healthy dingo populations. Where dingoes have been removed, 90 percent of ground-dwelling mammal species have gone extinct due to predation by foxes and cats (introduced to Australia much later by Europeans). Johnson's interest in the protective effect of dingoes began years ago when he was studying wallabies at an outback cattle station in northeastern New South Wales. The station was a safe place for bettongs and rat kangaroos, threatened small marsupials. The landowners believed the bettongs thrived because of a decision not to poison local dingoes. and the dingoes kept the foxes away. Soon after this experience, one of Johnson's colleagues was in the Tanami Desert researching a threatened species, the rufous hare-wallaby. Dingoes in the area were occasionally eating hare wallabies, so the local parks and wildlife service decided to poison them. “Within two weeks,” says Johnson, “there were foxes on the site, and they killed off the hard wallabies. That species is now extinct on the mainland. ” The sad fate of the rufous hare-wallaby is a classic example of what can happen as a result of Mesopredator Release, the idea that if the top predator is eliminated (in this case, dingoes), middle predator populations increase, sometimes with harmful consequences.

mammals / ˈmæm(ə)lz / n.哺乳类;哺乳类动物;哺乳纲(mammal 的复数)

ground-dwelling 地表节肢动物

protective adj.保护的,防护的;呵护的,有保护欲的;有贸易保护倾向的,



wallaby / ˈwɑːləbi / n.[脊椎] 小袋鼠;澳洲土人(尤指女人)


bettong / beˈtɒŋ / n.草原袋鼠


rat n.老鼠;<非正式>卑鄙小人(尤指欺诈或变节者);<非正式> 常客,常待在某处的人;<美>(为头发定型做出饱满效果的)女用发垫

v.捕(捉)老鼠,灭鼠;<非正式> 告发,告密;<非正式> 背信弃义,食言;<美>用发垫给(头发)定型

int.(rats) <非正式>胡说,去你的(用以表示轻度烦恼,恼怒)

rat kangaroo 赤褐袋鼠 ;n.鼠袋鼠

poison / ˈpɔɪzn / n.毒药;有害的思想;恶毒的言辞(或行动);(化)抑制剂;(物理)中子吸收剂



Tanami ​​​​​​​n.塔纳米(澳大利亚地名)

threatened adj.受到威胁的,感到危险的

v.威胁,恐吓;威胁到,危及;预示凶兆,有…危险(threaten 的过去式和过去分词

rufous / ˈrʊfəs / adj.红褐色的

hare-wallaby​​​​​​​ / hare wallaby n.兔袋鼠

复数hare wallabies

hare / her / n.野兔;(跑狗比赛中的用电力驱动在跑道上奔跑的)

电兔(=electric hare)


fate / feɪt / n.命运 v.注定

Meso predator 中型捕食者





In an analysis of threatened and extinct marsupial species across the continent, Johnson found that small mammals survived much longer in areas with healthy dingo populations.


P5 段落大意:对于受到威胁并且灭绝的袋状物种分析可得,小型哺乳动物在有适宜的dingo数量的区域里生存的时间更长。当dingo不在时,90%的地表节肢哺乳动物会灭绝因为狐狸和猫的捕食。Johnson对于dingo的保护效应很感兴趣,开始举例描述。土地主认为草原袋鼠bettong之所以兴旺,是因为不再毒杀澳洲野狗dingo,dingo使狐狸远离bettong。J的一名学生正在研究一个受到威胁的物种,红褐色的兔袋鼠。dingo偶尔会吃掉rufous hare-wallaby,当地的自然保护区和野生动物服务中心决定毒死他们。之后,有狐狸出现,hare-wallaby彻底灭绝了。“中型捕食者释放”——top捕猎者消失,middle捕猎者增长,有时会有不好的结果。

7. According to paragraph 5, which of the following was the most likely reason why the outback cattle station in New South Wales was a safe place for bettongs?

A. The area had a healthy population of dingoes.

B. The rufous hare-wallabies in the area became extinct.

C. There were foxes on the site.

D. The local landowners protected the bettongs from the dingoes.

8. According to paragraph 5, which of the following is an example of the Mesopredator Release?

A. The extinction of bettongs and rat kangaroos

B. The dingoes’ pattern of occasionally preying on hare-wallabies

C. The dingoes' protection of hare-wallabies and foxes

D. The poisoning of dingoes and the resulting expansion of the fox population.

【7】蓝色高亮部分 段落第一句话为答案

错选 D ❎

正解 A ✅

【8】 D ✅

Paragraph 2: When the dingo arrived, long after the mass extinction of Australia's megafauna (large animals), the continent held one last large marsupial predator, the thylacine. A wolfish-looking beast with striped hindquarters, the thylacine was also known as the marsupial tiger. It vanished from the mainland soon after the dingo was introduced, but survived into the twentieth century on the island of Tasmania. ■Historical records describe thylacine behavior and document the intense hunting that destroyed the last populations.■ Students of ecological history have long assumed that the dingo drove thylacine to extinction in mainland Australia. ■The key part of this argument Is a bit of circumstantial evidence: the thylacine disappeared at about the time the dingo arrived but survived in Tasmania's dingo-free landscape. ■For ecologist Chris Johnson, who has made a specialty of studying Australia's mammal extinctions, this picture is too simple.

9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

But not all researchers agree.

Where would the sentence best fit?

D ✅ 后面提比如生态学者 Chris Johnson disagree

10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answers that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The role of dingoes in Australian ecology has been a subject of debate.​​​​​​​

A. When dingoes reached Australia, the powerful thylacine was the only large predator there, but it soon became extinct on the mainland.

B. Sea travelers brought dingoes to Australia because they were very similar to the domestic dogs of western Asia in that they had unwolflike features.

C. Ecologists had believed that dingoes were the main cause of the extinction of thylacines, but the researcher Chris Johnson has shown that there were probably other reasons for their extinction.

D. Studies have shown that the majority of thylacine populations hunted alone, which was probably why dingoes were able to easily hunt thylacines and eventually cause their extinction.

E. Johnson's research revealed that dingoes have a protective effect on a few species of marsupials, like bettongs, but not others, a finding confirmed by similar observations in the Tanami desert.

F. Research suggests that the removal of dingo populations from their established environments can have lasting damaging effects on small ground-dwelling mammals like the hare-wallabies.

P1 段落大意:澳洲野狗在4000年前抵达澳洲,跟随者东南亚旅游者,是印度狼的家养品种,不像西亚的本地狗,培养出一些不像狼的特征。澳洲土著人把dingo当作宠物,捕获袋鼠的帮手。

P2 段落大意:澳洲很多large animals在dingo出现了灭绝,最后一种袋状的捕食者是袋狼,dingo出现后,也销声匿迹了,但是20世纪在塔斯马尼亚岛幸存了下来。很多人都认为是dingo促成了thylacine的灭亡,生态学者认为他们的推论过于简单。

P3 段落大意:袋狼是孤独的生物,也是被迫害数量的生物。袋狼十分灵活,足够强壮,比dingo大的多,七个家养猎狗无法杀死一只袋狼。对其咬合力进行分析,对其颅骨和颌研究,袋狼可以捕猎比自身大的猎物。所有这些都与野狗将袋狼推入遗忘的观点相矛盾

P4 段落大意:C J表明,在dingo出现之前,强化的人类捕猎是严重减少澳洲北部thylacine /ˈθaɪləˌsaɪn /数量的原因。指出dingo和thylacine同时呈现在岩石画上,dingo比thylacine的图像更晚出现。dingo在thylacine消失方面起到小作用,可以说人类和dingo联合是难对付的敌人。CJ 认为本土野生动物,甚至是内陆牧场主,有野狗比没有野狗要好得多。(如果没有澳洲野狗,袋鼠的数量可能会飙升,导致过度放牧或牧场。)

P5 段落大意:对于受到威胁并且灭绝的袋状物种分析可得,小型哺乳动物在有适宜的dingo数量的区域里生存的时间更长。当dingo不在时,90%的地表节肢哺乳动物会灭绝因为狐狸和猫的捕食。Johnson对于dingo的保护效应很感兴趣,开始举例描述。土地主认为草原袋鼠bettong之所以兴旺,是因为不再毒杀澳洲野狗dingo,dingo使狐狸远离bettong。J的一名学生正在研究一个受到威胁的物种,红褐色的兔袋鼠。dingo偶尔会吃掉rufous hare-wallaby,当地的自然保护区和野生动物服务中心决定毒死他们。之后,有狐狸出现,hare-wallaby彻底灭绝了。“中型捕食者释放”——top捕猎者消失,middle捕猎者增长,有时会有不好的结果。



B ❌ cuz unlike


D ❌ thylacine很强壮,dingo+human——>extinction

E ❌ but not others,dingo对rufous hare-wallaby也有保护作用


错选 AEF

正解 ACF


作者: 知澳头条



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