
知澳点评Getau Pty Ltd. (“Getau”) 是Getau.com.au(”本平台”)的运营方。本平台 非常注重对用户的隐私保护。本平台收集和使用您的个人数据用以优化您的线 上线下服务体验,最终实现我们让您在澳洲生活更便捷美好的愿景。对于您的 个人信息,我们承诺致力于遵循以下三点原则:

  • 我们将尊重您的隐私放在首位。基于我们透明公开,诚实守信的品牌 理念,您将会了解我们对您个人信息的使用情况
  • 我们致力于通过您的个人数据为您的生活提供附加价值
  • 我们竭力避免任何可能损害您对我们信任的行为活动

以下隐私条款是对本平台数据收集和使用情况的声明。这些隐私条款适用于知 澳点评网站及其所有相关服务(统称“服务”)。如您对协议有任何疑问,可联 系我们咨询。当您完成注册或使用我们的服务表示您已充分阅读、理解并接受 本协议的全部内容,成为我们的“用户“。如果您对以下隐私条款有异议,请您 立即停止注册和使用知澳点评的全部相关服务。

1. 信息收集与使用

为了创建和维护我们的基于透明和信任的生态环境,为您提供我们的产品及服 务的基本功能,以及为优化产品或服务升级的附加功能,我们需要或可能需要 收集和使用以下一些个人信息:

1.1 您提供给我们的信息,包含:

账号信息:当您注册成为我们的用户,并使用我们提供的服务时,我们可能会 需要您提供的姓名、生日、用户名、登陆密码、邮箱以及其他一些基本个人信 息。

用户信息:为了为您提供一些特定相关服务,我们需要或可能需要您完善您的 用户资料,其中一些信息可能包括:您的电话、性别、邮寄地址。您的部分账 号信息,例如用户名、用户头像、点评会公开显示。

服务申请:当您申请任何相关服务或本平台对接的服务时,我们会收集其中相 关信息,例如理财贷款产品申请表。


认证信息:对特定产品服务,我们需要或可能需要收集您的身份信息,例如护 照、驾驶执照、企业营业执照等信息

支付信息:当您需要向我们支付,或使用我们平台的第三方支付服务时,我们 将会收集您的相关财务信息如银行账户或信用卡信息

沟通信息:我们需要或可能需要收集您对我们的产品和服务的交流咨询反馈信 息。这包括电话咨询中以提高客服质量的电话可能会被录音,网站咨询反馈表 ,邮件等。

1.2 自动收集的信息,包含:

使用信息:为了提供与您需求更加匹配的页面展示和搜索结果,我们会自动收 集您的使用情况并储存,这些信息可能包括:浏览,搜索查询,交易信息等

定位信息:当您需要我们的某些特定包含需要获取定位的服务时,我们会收集 您的设备IP信息,手机GPS定位信息等。

交易信息:对使用了相关支付服务的用户,我们需要或可能需要收集相关交易 信息,包括交易时间,费用,以及相关交易细节等。

Cookies和同类技术信息:我们将会使用cookies, beacons 以及其他类似技术来 收集和存储您在使用本平台时的相关数据。这些技术将用来帮助您实现个性化 的一站式服务。我们需要或可能需要准许我们的商业合作伙伴在我们平台上使 用这些技术以收集调用您的特定信息以为您推送特定的产品服务广告推送等。 您可以根据自己的需求修改浏览器设置拒绝Cookies功能的使用。另外一些服务 可能使用社交媒体等功能,例如微信分享功能、小程序等。这些服务可能会提 取您的IP地址、访问页面等。这些服务将依据各社交软件公司相关功能对应的 隐私条款使用Cookies等相关技术。

1.3 第三方或外部资源信息,包括:

第三方服务信息:如果您通过第三方平台登录或分享使用本平台时,第三方平 台可能会发送您的相关注册和用户信息给我们。这些信息收集将您使用的第三 方相关协议为根据。

分析信息:我们需要或可能需要使用一些第三方分析服务,例如Google Analytics。这些分析服务数据一般情况下都是匿名的,但是可能会包含您的设 备、操作平台使用情况,IP地址,地理人口信息等。

广告信息:除非您已经取消推送服务,您可能收到您在本平台和我们的合作伙 伴上使用情况的相关数据

公共和背景调查信息:我们会在遵循相关法律的情况下,收集保存公共信息, 如您的ABN等在政府平台公开可查询的相关信息。

2. 信息共享

我们不会与任何本平台以外的公司、个人、组织共享您的信息,以下情况除外 :

2.1法定情况:相关法定情形下,我们会在遵循法律法规下针对诉讼争议解决需 求,对司法行政机关提出的要求共享您的个人信息。

2.2 明确许可:在获得您的明确同意后,我们会与相关机构共享您的信息

2.3 服务选择:在您选择特定服务情况下,我们会将订单中与交易相关的信息 共享给相关产品和服务提供商以满足您的交易和售后需求,

2.4 授权合作伙伴:我们可能委托授权为您提供某些服务或代表我们服务的合作 伙伴履行职能,旨在提高个性化服务或以提高服务安全性,例如网络漏洞、欺 诈等行为。目前我们的授权合作伙伴覆盖这些领域 广告、分析服务类以及供应 商、服务提供商等其他合作伙伴。

3. 信息披露


3.1在获得您的明确许可或您主动选择相关服务情况下,我们可能会公开披露您 的个人信息。

3.2若在确认您违反相关法律法规以及本平台相关协议和规则的情况下,以及为 保护本平台用户或公众人身财安全情况下,我们可能依据法律法规或征得您同 意的情况下披露关于您的个人信息。 另外,在适用的法律条款下,若我们通过技术措施和其他必要措施进行处理后 的匿名个人信息在数据接收方无法重新识别特定个人并且不能复原的情况下数 据的共享、转让、公开披露无需另行向您通知并征得您的同意。

4. 信息保护

我们非常重视您的信息保护。我们承诺会依据行业标准对您提供的个人信息在 传输和接收后进行最大程度的保护。我们会持续不断地致力于改进我们的相关 运营技术保护您的个人隐私与安全。但是我们不能100%保证信息传输与保存中 您的信息不会被外泄。如果存在可能的信息外泄和任何会对您个人和个人信息 产生伤害的情形,我们会竭力将相关信息通知和提醒发送给您。另外,对于平 台相关服务和产品使用不再需要的信息,我们会及时进行删除。


为给您提供一个透明可信的线上线下生态圈,我们会不断提高,更新我们的产 品和服务。在此过程中,我们会保留对以上隐私条款的解释、修改和更新权利 。我们鼓励您不定时地参阅我们隐私条款信息。对于重大的更改,我们会以邮 件形式通知您。





  1. Introduction


Getau (“us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to protect and respecting your privacy rights and we have adopted the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The NPPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.


A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at www.privacy.gov.au.


This privacy policy sets out details of how we collect, use and disclose your Personal Data. This Privacy Policy applies to information provide to us via the website ( www.getau.com.au ) (“Service”). By using the Service you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We may modify this Privacy Policy, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through our Services, or by other means, to provide you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. Should you have any questions in relation to the Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer using the method set out below.



  1. What Personal Data we collect from your provided information


Personal Data” refers to any data or information about you which you can be identified either (a) from that data; or (b) form that data and other information to which we have or likely have access. We may collect the following Personal Data from you:


2.1       Account Information, including but not limited to:

  • your full name;
  • your contact details (including but not limited to address, telephone number, email address);
  • email address
  • date of birth
  • user name
  • user password
  • other general information


2.2      User Information, collected for purposes of providing related and potentially relevant products or services to you, including but not limited to:

  • your contact details (including but not limited to address, telephone number, email address);
  • gender
  • partial information of your Account Information (including but not limited to user profile picture, user name, and your comments)


2.3       Service or Product Request, collected upon your disclosure at the time of your Request or engagement with third party service or product providers. For example, mortgage or investment funds application form and etc.


2.4       Uploaded Content as relevant information will be collected by us. For example, your uploaded Merchant images.


2.5       Verification Information may be requested by us for certain selective products or services, for example your Passport, Driver License, Business License etc.


2.6       Payment Information collected when required for situations where you are in need of making payments to us directly or via third party payers. Information collected may include but is not limited to relevant financial information, bank account details and/or credit card or debit card details etc.


2.7       Feedback Information in relation to your opinion or advice on the product or service provided or for other relevant purposes may be collected to optimise the quality of our service, including but not limited to recorded telephone conversations, website online feedback survey, emails etc.



  1. Automatically Retrieved Data


“Automatically Retrieved Data” refers to the information other than as mentioned in above clause 2, and is collected automatically without the need of your provision.


3.1       Usage or Access Information, includes but is not limited to browses, searches, web page visits and Transaction Information.


3.2       Location Information, includes but is not limited to your IP address, mobile GPS Locations.


3.3       Transaction Information, includes but is not limited to time, costs and other relevant details of any and all transaction(s).


3.4       Cookies and other related Technical Information, as described in detail below.



  1. Data retrieved from Third Party or External Sources/Platforms


4.1       Information from Third Parties

In circumstances where you access and login on GetAu via third party platforms or if you share GetAu with others, then that third party platform may send your information used to register an account or member with that platform and other relevant user information to us. Actual collection of your information depends on the contract you have entered into with that third party platform.


4.2       Data Analytics

We may require to utilise third party Data Analyst software, such as Google Analytics. These Analyst providers generally work anonymously, however, their information retrieved and collected may include information regarding your device, usage of the platform, IP Address, demographic date and etc.


4.3       Information from Advertisements

Unless you have cancelled recommendation services of the Website, then you are unlikely to receive relevant data or information regarding our Website and our Merchants.


4.4       Public Information and Background Checks

Under abidance of any and all relevant laws and Acts, we will collect and retain public information, for example your ABN and other information as available on relevant governmental websites.



  1. How we use your Personal Data


We will collect and use your Personal Data for the following purposes:


  • to provide you with the services as you requested from the Merchant of Getau;
  • in order for you to create a profile page;
  • complying with our obligations to make disclosure under any law, regulation or court order, or under and for the purpose of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities; and
  • any other purpose directly related to the above-mentioned purposes.



  1. Disclosure to Third Parties


We may disclose your Personal Data to the following third parties for the following purposes:


  • any of our agents, contractors, third party service providers, partners in connection with marketing, operation, administration or support of our services;
  • to any legal, regulatory, governmental, law enforcement or other authorities as required pursuant to complying with any legal or regulatory obligations;
  • if you are a user of Getau, to the Merchant that in relation to the service(s) that you requested;
  • complying with our obligations to make disclosure under any law, regulation or court order, or under and for the purpose of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities; and
  • any other purpose directly related to the above-mentioned purposes.


Notwithstanding the above, we may disclose aggregate information and other information that does not personally identify you to such third parties as we may see fit.



  1. Direct Marketing


If we have obtained your Personal Data through your use of the Service, we may use such data for marketing purposes, or recommend you to a Merchant if you are seeking a particular product or service.


You can, at any time, opt out of receiving marketing material from us by using the unsubscribe link within the communication, where we have sent you electronic marketing materials.



  1. Integrity and Retention of Personal Data


We provide several ways to keep your personal Data accurate, complete, and up to date. We will retain your Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.



  1. Cookies and Other Technologies


9.1       In order to improve the quality of your experience when using the Service, and to distinguish you from other users, we may use tracking technologies on the Service, such as cookies for the collection and use of Personal Data or other information. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that our web servers send to your Device when you visit certain parts of Service.  The cookies we use are “analytical” cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they are using it. Cookies may be disabled by changing the setting on your web browser or Device but this cannot be done while using the Service.


9.2       By using Cookies, Beacons, and other similar technology when users are using this platform, data will be collected and stored on these technologies will be used to help you achieve personalized one-stop service we need or may need to allow our business partners on our platform to use these techniques to collect specific information call you thought you push a specific product/service advertising push you can according to their own requirements to modify your browser Settings to refuse Cookies function using other services may use social media, and other functions, such as WeChat sharing features small programs, etc. These services may mention to you the details of their services, such as fetching your IP address to access the page. However, the use of Cookies and other related technologies will be conducted in accordance to the privacy policies of relevant functions of each social software company.



  1. Security


We implement security safeguards designed to protect your data. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, we cannot warrant the security of any information that you send us. There is no guarantee that data may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.



  1. Privacy Questions


If you have any questions or would like to make a complaint in relation to how we have handled your Personal Data, please contact our Privacy Officer by writing to:


[email protected]


If you contact us, we will endeavour to provide you with information about relevant avenues which may be applicable to your circumstances.






  1. Introduction


Getau (“us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to protect and respecting your privacy rights and we have adopted the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The NPPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.


A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at www.privacy.gov.au.


This privacy policy sets out details of how we collect, use and disclose your Business Data (as defined in Clause 2). This Privacy Policy applies to information provide to us via the website ( www.getau.com.au ) (“Service”). By using the Service you consent to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of your Business Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We may modify this Privacy Policy, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through our Services, or by other means, to provide you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. Should you have any questions in relation to the Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer using the method set out below.



  1. What Business Data we collect


“Business Data” refers to any data or information about you which you can be identified either (a) from that data; or (b) form that data and other information to which we have or likely have access. We may collect the following Business Data from you:


  • your business name;
  • your business details (including but not limited to address, telephone number, email address);
  • your business email address;
  • your business’ field of specialty;
  • your professional related certifications;
  • the business information (including but not limited to ABN, ACN, business address, specialty field, business contact number, email address, website URL etc)
  • your account details or other nominated means for purposes of Payment for Subscriptions as explained in details in our Terms and Conditions



  1. How we use your Personal Data


We will collect and use your Business Data for the following purposes:


  • in order for you to create a profile page;
  • In order for you to create posts on our Website;
  • recommend your products or services to users of the Service;
  • marketing and promotional of your profile, articles and other related marketing specific to your profession;
  • complying with our obligations to make disclosure under any law, regulation or court order, or under and for the purpose of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities; and
  • any other purpose directly related to the above-mentioned purposes.




  1. Direct Marketing


If we have obtained your Business Data through your use of the Service, we may use such data for marketing purposes, such as promoting your products and services.


You can, at any time, opt out of receiving marketing material from us by using the unsubscribe link within the communication, where we have sent you electronic marketing materials.



  1. Integrity and Retention of Personal Data


We provide several ways to keep your Business Data accurate, complete, and up to date. We will retain your Business Data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.


  1. Disclosure to Third Parties


We may disclose your Business Data to the following third parties for the purpose contained in this Privacy Policy, including but without limitation to:

  • Any of our agents, contractors, third party service providers, partners in connection with marketing, operation, administration or support of our services;
  • To any legal, regulatory, governmental, law enforcement or other authorities as required pursuant to complying with any legal or regulatory obligations;
  • If you are a merchant of Getau, to the user that in relation to the service or product that you provided
  • Any third parties where we believe in good faith to request us to do so by law, or an exception applies under the Privacy Act or with your consent.

Notwithstanding the above, we may disclose aggregate information and other information that does not personally identify you to such third parties as we may see fit.



  1. Cookies and Other Technologies


In order to improve the quality of your experience when using the Service, and to distinguish you from other Merchants, we may use tracking technologies on the Service, such as cookies for the collection and use of Merchant Data or other information. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that our web servers send to your Device when you visit certain parts of Service.  The cookies we use are “analytical” cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they are using it. Cookies may be disabled by changing the setting on your web browser or Device but this cannot be done while using the Service.



  1. Security


We implement security safeguards designed to protect your data. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, we cannot warrant the security of any information that you send us. There is no guarantee that data may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.



  1. Privacy Questions


If you have any questions or would like to make a complaint in relation to how we have handled your Business Data, please contact our Privacy Officer by writing to:


[email protected]


If you contact us, we will endeavour to provide you with information about relevant avenues which may be applicable to your circumstances.




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